How Do You Build A BadAss Personal Brand? With The Founders Of Idea Lemon

My first guests on the UNLEASH Your Inner Genius Podcast are the founders of IDEA LEMON, an education platform that helps you discover your inner awesome so you can have your dream career.

Their newly released course titled Discover your Inner Awesome Master Class helps people including yours truly figure out what you want, gain confidence, and get to the next level in your career by establishing thought leadership.

And today we're going to talk about building a badass personal brand that makes you standout from the crowd.

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Questions/Topics Covered During the Show:

Q:  Why do you think is the reason that we often end up in this place, where we are so dissatisfied and feel stuck? 
Q: What is personal branding and how can it help someone who wants to be more than just the status quo? How has it helped people you've worked with?
Q:How do you build a badass personal brand that gets you noticed?
Q: If I am someone listening to this, and I want to stand out from the crowd. What's the first thing I should do?
Q: What are the most common roadblocks or success barriers that you see with people when they are developing their personal brand?
Q: What strategies or exercises can someone use to start building their personal brand?

Idea Lemon

Rapid Fire Questions:

What is the #1 habit you contribute most to your success? 
Martin - Perseverance, Journaling, and podcasts.
Raj - Consistently recording his content and putting himself close to the source of knowledge.

What is the #1 book you’ve recommended to others and why? 
Martin- A More Beautiful Question - Warren Berger
Raj - I Will Teach You To Be Rich - Ramit Sethi

What is your favorite online tool or app? 
Martin -
Raj - voice memos app on smartphone

What podcasts do you tune into regularly? 
Cracked podcast, Unmistakable Creative, Hidden brain, Microphone Check, Presidential

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